

The TASKING EMBEDDED PROFILER is a non-intrusive Intelligent Performance Optimization tool enabling software developers to easily identify and implement code changes which improve performance on Infineon TriCore/AURIX hardware - without the need to have all the expert know-how of the hardware itself.

The tool features an intuitive graphical interface that uses information from the on-chip performance counters and symbolic information taken from the binary file to guide the user to performance bottlenecks. Expert-level knowledge about the TriCore/AURIX inner-workings has been built into the tool, which enables the TASKING Embedded Profiler to explain the root cause of a performance bottleneck and provide concrete mitigation suggestions to the user. Usability tests have shown that this Smart Profiling Technology™ dramatically increases the productivity and effectiveness of both novice and seasoned software developers.




• Non-intrusive performance measurement.
• Measures performance of: instruction pipelines, instruction caches, data caches, and memory system including inter-core effects.
• Performance data is either gathered for the whole application or for selected functions only.
• Predominant value of the TASKING Embedded Profiler is the ability to convert the massive amount of raw data into meaningful advice about how to optimize the code.


• Tool identifies location and nature of inter & intra-core performance bottlenecks, reducing dependencies on scarce expertise.
• Smart Profiling Technology guarantees that the most relevant bottlenecks are attacked first and exposes the problem’s root cause so that developer time is spent most effectively.
• Easy comparison of analysis results before and after applying a code change shows the effects of optimization efforts, including possible unwanted side-effects.
• ISO26262 compliance achieved via ASPICE level 2 tool development process.


• Affordable tool.
• Uses low-cost probes to connect to the target.
• Easy deployment in existing software development environments via command-line batch mode.
• Reduces system production cost by preventing the use of overdimensioned hardware.


The TASKING Embedded Profiler can be used in combination with TriCore/AURIX Emulation Devices and with Production Devices equipped with a mini-MCDS.

TASKING Embedded Profiler connects to the target via DAS v6.0 and DAP miniWiggler
